Sunday 19 April 2020

Blank Mind

Sometimes it seems to be black clouds in my life. 
It feels like everything is going faster than me, 
and I stand like a statue in between the city.        
I want to fly and the desire in my heart to touch the beautiful sky,                    
But the cruel responsibility drags my legs
and clipped the wings which can't make me fly.
Then I came back to the stupid reality.

Sometimes many questions arise in my mind
I am living in a world Where nothing to lose nothing to gain. 
A life without any profit or pain
The things that happen in my life create so many
confusion and Peer (to look carefully or difficulties)
Then sometimes I ask myself why I am here. 
Then my mind became blank. 

Sometimes I look towards people and observe silently 
Some of them are happy and some of them are sad.
Then I smile little and think that people are living in a prison 
And behave like a mad.
Then my mind became blank again.

The time comes and goes thoughts come and go
Some stay in mind for a little long and some disappear 
Some make me smile and some bring me out tears.
If this world is full of happiness and wonders
Then why I live with fear. 

Then my mind became blank again 
Then my mind became blank again...

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